
UNDP timbuktoo HealthTech Startup Accelerator Programme 2024 | up to $100,000

Employers Hub


Aug 31, 2024


This initiative aims to foster startups developing groundbreaking solutions in deep tech, hardware, and advanced technologies.


Are you a visionary HealthTech entrepreneur/innovator with a groundbreaking idea to transform healthcare in Africa and committed to leveraging innovation to contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Do you have a scalable, defendable solution with clear monetization strategies? Apply now to join the UNDP timbuktoo HealthTech Startup Accelerator Programme 2024.

Africa’s HealthTech landscape presents both challenges and opportunities, with a projected $11 billion digital health market by 2025. To address critical healthcare gaps, there’s an urgent need to establish a robust HealthTech hub.


This initiative aims to foster startups developing groundbreaking solutions in deep tech, hardware, and advanced technologies.

Key areas include AI-driven diagnostics, locally manufactured medical devices, and biotechnology tailored to African needs.  The hub can provide a foundation for building a flourishing full stack HealthTech industry.



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  • Membership in the pioneer cohort of timbuktoo HealthTech Hub and entire Timbuktoo ecosystem.
  • Mentorship from industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs.
  • Equity-free funding of up to $100,000 USD.
  • Networking with potential partners, collaborators, and customers.
  • Access to investor networks.
  • Resources and support to accelerate growth and impact.
  • Access to networks and agencies within the larger UN system.
  • Access to networks and resources within the AfCTA system.
  • Impact and shape a pan-African HealthTech evolution.



Groundbreaking founders and innovators across Africa who are already building startups that meet the following criteria:

  • Startups with founders who are nationals of an African Country.
  • Startups must be registered and operating within Africa.
  • Startups must have been in operation for a minimum of one year.
  • Startups must address development challenges.
  • Must be a technology-based solution.
  • Startups must have a Minimum Viable Solution (MVS) (regulated and licenced if necessary).
  • Startups should have existing corporate governance systems and accountability.
  • This application is limited to citizens of the African Union member states.



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Selection Criteria

The timbuktoo HealthTech hub aims to support innovative startups that meet the following key criteria:

  • Technology-Enabled Solution: Your startup must have a technology-enabled solution at its core, utilising digital tools and platforms to drive innovation and efficiency in the financial sector.
  • Contribution Towards the SDGs: Your solution should align with and contribute towards one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, addressing pressing global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and more.
  • High Scalability: Your startup should demonstrate high scalability either through digital distribution channels or the ability to scale sales rapidly across markets.
  • Defensible Position: Your startup should have a defensible position, whether through Intellectual Property (IP) rights, network effects, domain expertise, or regional market dominance, ensuring sustainable competitive advantage in the HealthTech landscape.
  • Innovation and uniqueness: Novel approach to solving health challenges, potential for disruptive impact in the healthcare sector
  • Technical feasibility: Sound scientific/technical basis for the solution, realistic development timeline
  • Regulatory compliance: Awareness of relevant healthcare regulations, strategy for obtaining necessary approvals


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Apply here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Xtvls0QpN0iZ9XSIrOVDGUX3Ay1r98ZLhR07OQNsAPxUMlNIMERKNjBMSFUwUktHUDM0UktWUjVPNy4u&origin=lprLink&route=shorturl

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