


Capacity Building

  • Design GEF’s new capacity building strategy.
  • Develop the European Green Academy brand and its related capacity-building activities, in cooperation with the Head of Programme.

Finance and Administration Restructuring

  • Review and analyse current financial procedures and policies.
  • Develop new, simplified financial processes and guidelines, in cooperation with the Head of Finance.

Employee experience

  • Create clear processes and resources for training and development of employees.
  • Put in place initiatives that focus on employee well-being, in cooperation with the Head of Finance and Administration.
  • Support line managers through training and coaching.

Organisational Design

  • Monitor and evaluate the organisational changes implemented in 2024 and the implementation of the new organigramme and new human resources policy.
  • Advise on, and if need be, propose, new tools and processes to enhance workflows, communication and cooperation within the organisation.
  • Support the implementation of the new salary scale.

Performance management

  • Support line managers to implement the annual goal setting exercise.
  • Lead the annual performance review process.


 Technical Specifications

  • The Deputy Director (ad-interim) will be contracted as a service provider on the basis of 10-14 days per month performed in the GEF office, in Brussels, with the possibility to telework.
  • The mission will take place from end February 2025 to the end of December 2025.
  • The selected tenderer will be contracted with a framework contract.
  • GEF reserves itself the possibility to propose to renew the contract for a maximum period of 4 years.
  • The maximum total estimated value for this contract is: 80.000 EUR (eighty thousand euros)] VAT excluded.
  • This figure is not definitive and does not represent a commitment from the Green European Foundation.
  • GEF reserves the right to not proceed if no reasonably priced tenders are received.

Exclusion Criteria
Please find as follows criteria to fulfill in order to not be excluded by the tendering procedure.

  • The tender and tenderer do not incur in any exclusion criteria as per art 136 FR 2018/1046, and any kind of conflict of interest.
  • Only offers submitted via the application form will be evaluated.
  • Minimum requirements that all tenderers shall meet in order to be considered for evaluation include compliance with applicable environmental, social and labour law obligations established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or the applicable international social and environmental conventions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU.

Selection and Award Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Please find as follows criteria to fulfill in order to not be excluded by the tendering procedure.

    • The tender and tenderer do not incur in any exclusion criteria as per art 136 FR 2018/1046, and any kind of conflict of interest.
    • Only offers submitted via the application form will be evaluated.
    • Minimum requirements that all tenderers shall meet in order to be considered for evaluation include compliance with applicable environmental, social and labour law obligations established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or the applicable international social and environmental conventions listed in Annex X to Directive 2014/24/EU.

Selection and Award Criteria

  1. Selection Criteria

The selection criteria are assessed with comply or fail questions. The tenderers that comply with the criteria are going to be further examined and considered for award. The tenders that do not shall be rejected.

The selection criteria for this tender are:

  • The tenderer shall propose a consultant with at least 7 years of experience in the tasks proposed by GEF (we are looking for profiles such as management consultants, organisational development consultants, experts in training and capacity building, consultants with prior leadership experience). These criteria will be assessed from the consultancy offer and the CV of the consultant proposed.
  • The tenderer shall propose a consultant with proven experience working with or at European political foundations or similar organisations. This criterion will be assessed from the CV of the consultant proposed.
  • The consultant should have a good understanding of Belgian labour law and related regulations. This criterion will be assessed from the consultancy offer and the CV of the consultant proposed.
  • Only complete offers, that are tailored to the technical specifications of the tender and are not a generic price listing will be evaluated.
  • Only offers in English will be evaluated.
  • The tenderer is based in Brussels.

2. Award Criteria

The award criteria for this tender are the dependent on best value for money. The following criteria will be evaluated according to the listed weight:

Award Criteria | Weight
A competitive price offer matching the mission scope and purpose, expressed in the form of a daily fee (VAT excluded and indicated on the side of the price proposal). | 20%
Demonstrated experience of at least 7 years in working in a political and non-profit environment that will be evaluated via the application documentation. | 20%
At least 5 years of experience in a management or leadership role, as evidenced by CV. | 15%
Demonstrated experience in organisational design and development, demonstrated by application package. | 10%
Demonstrated expertise in training and capacity building, including training of managers and senior professionals, demonstrated by CV. | 10%
Demonstrated understanding of Belgian labour law and related regulations, as well as experience in HR functions such as performance management, proven by introduction letter/ CV of the tenderer. | 10%
Demonstrated experience in financial management and developing financial management systems. | 10%
Demonstrated experience in working with European political foundations or similar organisations, evidenced by the CV of the tenderer. | 5%

The methodology for ranking the tenderers



Monthly based


Brussels, Belgium, Belgium

Job Overview
Job Posted:
2 weeks ago
Job Expire:
2d 16h
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
Bachelor Degree
5 - 10 Years

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Brussels, Belgium, Belgium