Capacity Building
Finance and Administration Restructuring
Employee experience
Organisational Design
Performance management
Technical Specifications
Exclusion Criteria
Please find as follows criteria to fulfill in order to not be excluded by the tendering procedure.
Selection and Award Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Please find as follows criteria to fulfill in order to not be excluded by the tendering procedure.
Selection and Award Criteria
The selection criteria are assessed with comply or fail questions. The tenderers that comply with the criteria are going to be further examined and considered for award. The tenders that do not shall be rejected.
The selection criteria for this tender are:
2. Award Criteria
The award criteria for this tender are the dependent on best value for money. The following criteria will be evaluated according to the listed weight:
Award Criteria | Weight
A competitive price offer matching the mission scope and purpose, expressed in the form of a daily fee (VAT excluded and indicated on the side of the price proposal). | 20%
Demonstrated experience of at least 7 years in working in a political and non-profit environment that will be evaluated via the application documentation. | 20%
At least 5 years of experience in a management or leadership role, as evidenced by CV. | 15%
Demonstrated experience in organisational design and development, demonstrated by application package. | 10%
Demonstrated expertise in training and capacity building, including training of managers and senior professionals, demonstrated by CV. | 10%
Demonstrated understanding of Belgian labour law and related regulations, as well as experience in HR functions such as performance management, proven by introduction letter/ CV of the tenderer. | 10%
Demonstrated experience in financial management and developing financial management systems. | 10%
Demonstrated experience in working with European political foundations or similar organisations, evidenced by the CV of the tenderer. | 5%
The methodology for ranking the tenderers
Monthly based
Brussels, Belgium, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium, Belgium